बिहार में बेरोजगारों का चक्काजाम

अनुगूँजanugunjj@gmail.com किसान आन्दोलन का चक्का जाम अब बेरोजगारों ने अपने जिम्मे कर लिया है। सड़कों के साथ अब रेल लाइनें जाम की जा रही हैं। घर और नौकरी के बीच कोचिंगों को बनाते, कोचिंगों में फंसे बेरोज़गार भिखना पहाड़ी में कश्मीरी ढंग की पत्थरबाजी और बैरीकेडिंग को याद कर रहे हैं। क्या अपने अतीत से […]

University: Sit-in or Shutdown?

Ragini Jha and Ankit Sharma The last few years have signalled the heightening of tensions and escalation of violence and confrontations within university spaces in India. While this phenomenon can be made sense of, as it often has been, in terms of the growing dominance of the institutional form of the state and its ‘takeover’ […]

Solidarity-givers of India and destiny of the Kashmiri tehreek

Pothik Ghosh “…a free multitude is guided more by hope than fear; a conquered one, more by fear than hope: inasmuch as the former aims at making use of life, the latter but at escaping death.” – Spinoza (2004, p.315) “…you Chartists must not simply express pious wishes for the liberation of nations. Defeat your […]


Solidarity-givers of India and destiny of the Kashmiri tehreek

Pothik Ghosh “…a free multitude is guided more by hope than fear; a conquered one, more by fear than hope: inasmuch as the former aims at making use of life, the latter but at escaping death.” – Spinoza (2004, p.315) “…you Chartists must not simply express pious wishes for the liberation of nations. Defeat your […]

Demonetisation: Maturing Capitalism?

Pratyush Chandra “…it is not a question of the higher or lower degree of development of the social antagonisms that result from the natural laws of capitalist production. It is a question of these laws themselves, of these tendencies working with iron necessity towards inevitable results. The country that is more developed industrially only shows, […]

Fascism or Dictatorship of Neoliberal Capital? The Need for a Correct Line

Pothik Ghosh “While the democratic petty bourgeois want to bring the revolution to an end as quickly as possible, achieving at most the aims already mentioned, it is our interest and our task to make the revolution permanent until all the more or less propertied classes have been driven from their ruling positions, until the […]


University: Sit-in or Shutdown?

Ragini Jha and Ankit Sharma The last few years have signalled the heightening of tensions and escalation of violence and confrontations within university spaces in India. While this phenomenon can be made sense of, as it often has been, in terms of the growing dominance of the institutional form of the state and its ‘takeover’ […]

Political Economy of Labour Repression in the United States: An Interview with Andrew Kolin

Andrew Kolin’s Political Economy of Labor Repression in the United States (Lexington Books, 2016) successfully demonstrates how labour repression is organic to capitalism; something that is central to the very constitution of the capitalist economy and its state. Traversing the history of the United States, the book is a survey of the evolving relationship between […]

Kojin Karatani’s Concentric Worlds of Exchange Recurrences and Isonomic Associationism

Prasanta Chakravarty Those in the English speaking world following Kojin Karatani’s formidable scholarly oeuvre, accumulating through the past three decades, shall appreciate the central threads of his argumentative universe. The threads appear and reappear in discrete yet familiar ways so that we are aware that each new work is yet another brick added to a […]